i worry i haven’t written on here in a long time but mostly i worry about the whys of me not writing on here in a while
i worry about having lost myself again but also about having full awareness of my reality, if this is the life i lead when i am fully conscious of myself, then i worry it isn’t a good enough life
i worry about all these words i am thinking about and whether i will remember them tomorrow morning so i can type them down somewhere
i worry about what you all might think of these words, whether they are not enough to reappear after a month of absence on this platform, or if this is a real community where we don’t worry about subscribers and commitment and showing up only not to lose clout
i worry about my body slowly deflating and inflating, because i drive everywhere instead of walking my usual 15k steps a day
i worry about my hair, whether it is too messy, too boyish or just all in my head, because there are days when i have never looked better and days when i cannot look at myself in the mirror
i worry about not digging far enough, about only brushing the surface of my psyche and why i do not bother investigating any further about my worries
i worry about moving to another city but mostly worry about staying at home with my mother
i worry about packing the right clothes and missing those i haven’t packed
i worry about my skin, if i am using enough products or just not the right ones, if the orange-peel appearance will eventually leave me or if it is just part of my complexity
i worry about the movies i watch and the music i listen to and the books i read
i worry about the photos i have taken with my new film camera, whether they will be completely ruined by a defect i am not aware of or if i am just shit at taking photos
i worry about having taken good pictures and what to do with them, if posting them on Instagram will instantly turn me into a make-believe photographer or if people will appreciate them regardless of my titles
i worry about worrying too much about what other people think of me
i worry about not observing enough or not the right things
i worry about what to do with all those things i observe, whether they should turn into stories or pictures or merely live with me until new ones come along
i worry about getting a job, whether i will hate it as much as all my past ones or if finally i will be able to find something that fulfils me
i worry about finding a job that fulfils me and forgetting about everything else in my life
i worry about finding a person who fulfils me and forgetting about everything else in my life
i worry about not finding a person who fulfils me and having to keep chatting about the dullest things with people i have no intention of meeting in person
i worry about gifting the wrong things
i worry about my orders not arriving in time for my departure and having to ask my mother to go pick them up from the post office
i worry about my mother queueing for hours at the post office to pick up my parcels
i worry about my mother thinking i have wasted more money on those parcels while i haven’t worked in months
i worry about forgetting birthdays
i worry about messaging people i haven’t spoken to in a while to wish them a happy birthday
i worry about remembering someone’s birthday being a creepy thing
i worry about having done something to upset somebody and not being aware of it
i worry about pleasing everybody and upsetting nobody
i worry about the wars, climate change, and Trump talking about changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico
i worry about how people treat each other and how much violence is embedded in human beings
i worry about the Italian prime minister and fascism on the rise
i worry about the safety of minorities and how dangerous it still is to be one in this century
i worry about not being woke enough or being too woke
i worry about asking favours
i worry about being too independent
i worry about taking too long to reply to a message or forgetting about it entirely
i worry about why people don’t reply to my messages
i worry about remembering to take my vitamins
i worry about the cheese on the pizza and if eating a tiramisu will upset my stomach too much
i worry about ordering a cappuccino in Italy and whether they will have lactose-free milk or any alternatives
i worry about not showing enough that i actually worry about things
i worry about worrying about too many things
we worry about many of the same things, so at least we don't need to worry about being alone in our feelings of worry... 💗
i worry about remembering someone’s birthday being a creepy thing - I related so much with this one!!